The Dangers of Using an Incorrect Air Filter Size

Using the wrong size air filter can have serious repercussions for your heating and cooling system, your utility bills, and your family's health. Air filters are designed to capture allergens and other pollutants, but if they are too large or too small, they won't be able to do their job properly. In addition, an incorrect air filter can lead to costly HVAC system repairs and mold growth. To guarantee that your air conditioning system is running efficiently and that your family is breathing clean air, it is essential to select the right size air filter and change it regularly.

When you pick an air filter, it is important to make sure that it fits correctly. If the filter is too big, it won't be able to trap allergens, but will allow them to go out into the air. On the other hand, when the fibers of a filter are too tight, they can prevent adequate air flow, which puts pressure on the unit and can cause a malfunction. While an incorrect air filter won't necessarily damage the heating and cooling system itself, at least not immediately, it will reduce its efficiency, something you'll notice on your utility bills. Mold can also be a problem if you use the wrong size air filter.

Moisture can be transferred to the filter, laying the foundation for mold growth. If you notice anything on the air filter, discard it immediately and install a new one. If you choose a smaller filter or nothing at all, at least do something like tape or glue a piece of cardboard filling to the filter to get the correct size. Polyester pulls small particles, such as dust mites, out of the air, but a disposable pleated filter must be changed frequently. Without the filter, debris will quickly accumulate and polluted air will spread throughout the house.

To keep your oven running smoothly for a long time and to ensure your family's safety by making sure that the air they breathe is clean, you should clean and change the filter regularly. If you're looking for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) expert, choose someone who is licensed, insured, experienced, and reputable. Air conditioners must operate efficiently to keep energy costs low, maintain a comfortable temperature, and maintain high air quality. Improperly installed filters and incorrectly sized filters can also damage the internal components of the system. Using an incorrect size air filter can have serious consequences for your heating and cooling system and your family's health. To guarantee that your air conditioning system is running efficiently and that your family is breathing clean air, it is essential to select the right size air filter and change it regularly.

Catherine Plessner
Catherine Plessner

Devoted bacon trailblazer. Subtly charming burrito aficionado. Infuriatingly humble coffee advocate. Certified foodaholic. Incurable sushi guru. Award-winning travel lover.